Gen-Z, Millennial Parents Opps: Adopt-a-Pet acquired by Kinship, increases spend (Score 18)

Kinship recently acquired and kept its CMO, Dana Puglisi Helms, on the brand. Now that it has a new parent company, Adopt-a-Pet will have access to a larger budget, which could lead to shifts in its spending and/or agency roster.

According to Pathmatics, Adopt-a-Pet has spent roughly $1.7k on digital ads YTD, already up more than exponentially from the roughly $100 it spent in all of 2020. The roughly $100 that the brand ended up spending last year was down significantly from the roughly $8k it spent in 2019. So far this year, Adopt-a-Pet has earned ~664.5k digital impressions via desktop display (92%) and mobile display (8%) ads placed by Google AdX + AdSense onto

Kinship primarily targets Gen-Z and millennial parents, so I expect Adopt-a-Pet will do the same. Sellers able to offer high-ROI digital strategies among this audience should get in touch. As I briefly mentioned, I expect Adopt-a-Pet's spend to continue rising post-acquisition.

Agency & martech readers - The brand could also use the extra funds to hire an agency partner; keep it on your radar for work down the road. Kinship just named SourceCode Communications as PR AOR, so you'll have the best luck offering brand-specific digital analytics, social media management, creative and/or media services for Kinship and/or Adopt-a-Pet. Kinship's parent company, Mars Petcare, also works with media AOR MediaCom and creative AOR DDB New York. It also receives creative assistance from BBDO.