Winmo Advance users now have Google Ads spend — aka paid search investment — for thousands of brands thanks to our latest partnership with PPC powerhouse, SEMRush. Ads from paid search spend are a huge asset for brands working to increase their visibility, website traffic, and ultimately revenue.
Brands are increasingly adding Google Ads as a prominent tool in their digital marketing strategy. In fact, according to a 2020 HubSpot survey, 33% of marketers use paid advertising to increase their brand awareness and 68% stated that paid advertising is “very important” or “extremely important” to their overall marketing strategy. And, most importantly, paid ads work. On average, 41% of clicks go to the first three paid ads on the search results page.

Winmo users can research a brand’s monthly paid search spend to uncover insights such as:
1) Brands that value direct response and performance marketing
Performance marketing makes it as easy as possible for a consumer to access a product. Since the start of the pandemic, the time between awareness, consideration, and conversion has shrunken considerably. Today, anyone can get anything delivered to their doorsteps in 24 hours (or less). Smart brands know the power of consumers’ lightning-speed decision-making. The messaging that drives conversions on Google, arguably the most overwhelming site on the Internet, will also resonate for the brand elsewhere.
2) Brands that value social media
These might seem like a stretch but bear with me. We already know that paid search is often used to increase brand awareness, as is social media. Brand Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn pages offer a conversational space to increase awareness, drive website traffic, and increase sales. Keywords and messages from paid search are often interchangeable with a brand’s social posts. Take a look at a brand’s Twitter next time you’re doing a Google search, you won’t be able to unsee it.
3) Brands that value digital marketing
This is great news for agencies and adtech companies. When you are in a brand’s Winmo profile check out the data presented in their Google Ads graph (see image above). From these investments, you can decipher the consistency, or lack thereof, of a brand’s paid search spend. If it’s clear that there are holes in their strategy that you or your technology could assist with, reach out immediately.