WinmoTalk: Get insight and intel from thousands of sales pros
Your go-to source for insider tips on national advertisers and their agencies.
Looking for new sales channels to bring in more leads? Want to build relationships and learn from seasoned salespeople in media and advertising? Then WinmoTalk – one of the industry’s largest sales communities – is for you. The community is backed by Winmo’s team of industry analysts, who follow conversations in real-time and add extra insight based on verified research, so you’ll be able to get answers to your questions and win new business like a rock star.

Get straight talk from insiders who know your prospects best

Get new contacts and insider tips
Get the inside scoop on the business goals and pain points of key decision-makers, from professionals who know them first-hand. Understand company hierarchies and who can greenlight your deal. Learn and network with thousands of pros from across the marketing and media industries.

Backed by industry analysts
Our team of analysts moderate the conversations in WinmoTalk and weigh in where needed. They confirm accurate information, debunk rumors and add research-based insight, so you can believe what you hear – and know where (and when) your next sale is waiting.

Get insights into your prospects
You’ll get an integrated experience as you toggle between WinmoTalk and Winmo. While viewing agency, brand, or company profiles, you can quickly see tagged conversations from the community, giving you even more insight into the prospects you’re targeting.
How much does prospecting cost your company?
If you’re not using an outside resource, more than likely your sales team is responsible for hunting down new sales leads themselves. What does their time cost you? Although it may seem like only a few hours a day, the costs can quickly add up.
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