6 Things That Will Make Your Best Sales Reps Quit
Your agency has been going through some changes. In the last few months, one of your sales directors has pulled...
Get Organized with Winmo’s Notes Feature
If you’re anything like the new business professionals we work with, the struggle is real when it comes to tracking prospect...
7 Reasons Your Customers Fall Out of Love With You
They say that sales is all about touches. A dozen or more touches to get a response from sales prospects,...
5 Free Marketing Certifications Employers Want You to Have
Succeeding as a marketing professional, especially in an agency environment, means being able to demonstrate a high level of competence...
Why Trust is Your Best Sales Prospecting Tool
Indifference is how you lose customers and prospects. When customers stop caring whether they get a service or product from you...
How to Get the Best New Partnerships for Your Event
With over $21 billion spent on sponsorship last year in North America – everyone in the event space wants to...
What to Include in Your Event Sponsorship Proposal
Responsible for developing external partnerships for your organization? Whether you are brand new to sponsorship sales or a few years...
New and Expanding Brand Opportunities
It’s quite a puzzle. If you’re not marketing to millennials you’re missing out on the biggest generation in history; but...
Why You Should Remove Zombie Emails from Your Lists
It wasn’t all that long ago when they signed up for your updates. Whatever you’d put out there—a fresh blog,...
Agency New Business
Business Prospecting Without The Cocktail Umbrella
Many new business programs start getting sluggish as the holidays approach. Prospecting for new business can feel pretty unappealing, and as...
Big Ideas in Smaller Cities
The agency scene in the UK lives, mostly, in four cities: London, Leeds, Manchester and Edinburgh. But if you want to work with (or for) an agency that's more Doc Martin than Green Wing, we've got the prescription for you.
Breaking News
Winmo, The List Online Among Highest-Rated Sales Intelligence Tools
Software review website G2 Crowd has released its latest report of top-performing sales intelligence tools based on user reviews. Not one, but two...
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